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How to say "live your truth" in Korean?

I think the sentence can be translated into '참되게 살아라' or '진실되게 살아라'. 참되다 or 진실되다(참 is a pure Korean and 진실 is a Sino-Korean word.) means true, real, sincere, authentic, truthful, genuine or faithful.
jungyh0218's user avatar
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How do you say, "How do you say ...?"

For the sake of this answer, we will assume that your listener has some basic understanding of English. Suppose I wanted to ask a Korean speaker (using Korean) "How do I say 'It is a pleasure to ...
Vladhagen's user avatar
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How to say "Do you know me"?

"너 나 알아?" is not wrong but very rude, unless you're a kid. Instead you can say "저 아세요?" 저 is a polite form of 나. There's no reason for explicit "너" (or "당신") to denote "you": after all, the question ...
jick's user avatar
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How to say "live your truth" in Korean?

To "live authentically" means quite different things to different people, I think. This phrase will likely take some explaining to get across even to many native English speakers, no? From a ...
haksayng's user avatar
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Social media related vocabulary

post(verb) 올리다 인스타그램에 이걸 올렸어 However, post(noun) has many variants. 글: 니가 페이스북에 올린 글을 봤어 게시물: 니가 페이스북에 올린 게시물을 봤어 포스트: 니가 페이스북에 올린 포스트를 봤어 Basically, they are all same meanings.
mharti's user avatar
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How can I translate 신화 향유집단 to English?

people sharing the myth, or people who believe the myth, etc. would be proper, I think.
Clare Jang's user avatar
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Can some help me translate this into Korean, please?

The original quote is in Classical Chinese, the literary language used in Korea at the time: 勿令妄動 靜重如山 (물령망동 정중여산) Translated to Korean, it would be: 가벼이 움직이지 말라, 태산과 같이 무거이 행동하라.
MujjinGun's user avatar
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What is the appropriate way to ask for a spot while weightlifting?

Asking for someone to do spotting for you isn't inappropriate(of course), but ask your trainer/coach(if there is one) or someone you have become friendly with, rather than asking some random person. ...
Lemon's user avatar
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How can I say skinned alive in Korean?

I'll get skinned alive if the teacher catches me playing games in class is an imagery that English speakers say idiomatically but don't really envision the true imagery of when speaking. The ...
제이 죤스톤's user avatar
2 votes

How do you say, "How do you say ...?"

"How do you say 'XYZ'?" ‘XYZ’ 를 어떻게 부르나요? Or ‘XYZ’를 어떻게 발음 하나요 "What is this?" 이것은 무엇입니까? or 이게 뭡니까? or as situation 이게 무엇인지 알 수 있을까요?
Choongki's user avatar
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When would I use the following interrogatives of quantity: 몇, 얼마나 and 얼마?

몇 is 'What' and 얼마 is 'How (long, far, much,...)'. 지금 몇 시냐? -> What time is it now? 시간이 얼마나 걸리냐? -> How long does it take? And 얼마 can use anything can measure. 여기서 얼마나 멀어? -> How far is it from ...
Newkie's user avatar
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What is the appropriate way to ask for a spot while weightlifting?

Just as an alternative, a friend suggested to use the word 보조하다 in this context, so something like 벤치프레스 보조 좀 해 주시겠어요?
vievievie's user avatar
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Translation of "Pledge"

Maybe “서약문(誓約文)”: a writing that makes solemn promises.
Константин Ван's user avatar
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밭인 and 주장 meaning

농구부 주장 - basketball team captain Recall that when turning "is" 이다 into an adjective it becomes 인, so 밭 here is the noun "field". A translation could be What's needed from you is ...
kaylimekay's user avatar
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How do you say 'unity in variety' in Korean?

As Charles Reis Ribeiro noted, "다양성 속의 통일" would be the DIRECT translation. However, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is a principle that aesthetic value or beauty in art ...
David Lee's user avatar
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How do you say 'unity in variety' in Korean?

I think the term could be translated as "다양성 속의 통일", which means "unity in diversity/united in diversity" (by the way those are the official motto of Indonesia and the European ...
Charles Reis Ribeiro's user avatar
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How can I translate 신화 향유집단 to English?

If you are looking for a specific, regular, academic term in English that will sound natural for researchers from the English world, I think you should better ask the question in English Language &...
Ignatius's user avatar
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How do I say “Please do not add too much oil” in Korean?

You may politely say "기름 많이 넣지 말아 주세요." (Don't add oil much.) or a bit differently, "기름기 많지 않게 해 주세요." (Don't make it oily.) Nevertheless, I doubt whether they will respond to your request ...
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