What does 줬는데요
What's the root word for 줬는데요
For example in this sentence from the vlive video
유니콘 인형도 있어요. 제가 이름도 붙여줬는데요.
I have a unicorn doll. I gave a name to it.
이름도 붙여줬는데요
here means "naming" / "name giving"
Another example from Strong Woman:
지난 밤 4번째 납치 사건이 발생하면서 또 한번 충격을 줬는데요
Last night a fourth kidnapping incident occurred which has caused us great shock once again.
Here 충격을 줬는데요
means "gave a shock"
And when I search on Naver dictionary, it shows which has the root word as 주다
"to give" http://endic.naver.com/search.nhn?sLn=en&searchOption=all&query=%EC%A4%AC%EB%8A%94%EB%8D%B0%EC%9A%94
Most probably, 줬
comes from 주
but what does the rest of the suffixes mean in 줬는데요
Why did the ㅜ
become ㅟ
and added the pachim ㅆ
? Is that a common "mutation"?