아니요, 남자아이는 여자가 아닙니다 : Why would the sentence start with ' ' (아니요) and end with 'ㅂ니다' (아닙니다)? I thought both were used in different levels of formality. Is it correct for the same sentence to use both of these endings?

  • It might be difficult to understand, but the interjection 아니요 and its antonyms 네 and 예 are relevant to politeness not formality levels. They are like "yes" and "no" one say to another "higher" in age, rank, etc. (You should also note that 아니요 means "yes" after a negative statement.)
    – Klmo
    Commented Aug 31, 2020 at 6:32
  • 2
    It sounds totally fine. It is very common to use -요./-요? and -ㅂ니다./-ㅂ니까? at the same time, except for VERY formal situations or in formal writing, in which case you might want to avoid using -요.
    – Absol
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 1:22
  • Also note that use of -ㅂ니까? or excessive use of -ㅂ니다. makes you sound less friendly and more formal. Try to use -ㅂ니다. in 1/4~1/2 of your sentences, and stick to -요? when asking questions, if you want to sound natural, polite and not too formal.
    – Absol
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 1:38
  • @Absol Alternating 해요체 and 합쇼체 sometimes happens, but I do not think they are normally used in the same sentence.
    – Klmo
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 4:20
  • @Klmo Of course they are not normally used in the same sentence, because they are located at the end of the sentence or at least need a comma after that. I meant that they are used together in a single conversation, paragraph, etc.
    – Absol
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 5:05

1 Answer 1


In a very formal situation, one may consistently use -합니다 for every sentence. In other cases, one could also use -해요 for every sentence. However, it's not unusual for these endings to appear together in the same paragraph. (Appearing together in the same sentence might be less common, simply because a sentence usually only contains one such sentence ending - but see the comment thread above.)

Here's one example I found from a popular children's book (구름빵):

"있잖아, 나 배고파." 동생이 말했어요.

"하늘을 날아다녀서 그럴 거야. 우리, 구름빵 하나씩 더 먹을까?"

동생과 나는 구름빵을 또 먹었어요.

구름을 바라보며 먹는 구름빵은 정말 맛있었습니다.

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