Could anyone explain the usage of 면 in the sentence below? Also how would you translate it?

사흘 있으면 명절이므로 길이 막힐 거다.

2 Answers 2


Usually when there is the form [time period] + 있으면, the implied meaning is "After [time period]" or "(With)in [time period]."

So, "사흘 있으면" means "In three days."

The full sentence translated means

"Because it will be a holiday in three days, the roads will be jammed."

The fuller form really is [time period] + 있으면 Noun + 이다, meaning "In [amount of time], it will be [Noun]."

  • The verb 있다 usually means to exist, but here it is showing its special meaning off: to elapse. It's often used along with following -으면 or -으니 for this meaning. 사흘만 있으면 추석이다. 그로부터 한 달 있으니 눈이 내리기 시작했다. Commented Sep 29, 2018 at 21:41

"~~면", is almost means "~~, then"

  • "내가 가면" => I go, then => when I go,

  • "바람이 불면" => wind blows, then => when wind blows,

  • "사흘 있으면" => three days, then => In three days,

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