I am watching a lot of Korean dramas and it always nice to hear different speech levels.
I wanted to frain members over here on the ending: 으ㄹ쏜가
Could you please give me some examples and translation you have come accross that could help explain the meaning better ? I plan to add it to an anki deck.
Naver gives the following examples:
나의 마음을 아는 이 누구일쏜가.
My translation: Who could possibly know my heart.
뉘라서 천하장사를 이길쏜가.
My translation: Who could beat the world champion.
내가 비록 자네에게 화가 났으나 내가 자네 험담을 할쏜가?
My translation: Even though I am angry with you, how could I gossip about you