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Questions tagged [konglish]

Konglish is short for 'Korean-style English' (한국어식 영어) - a style of English used by Koreans.

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2 votes
3 answers

Apart from '귀차니즘', are there any other kinds of 'isms' in Korean?

I recently learned the word '귀차니즘' - laziness - , from '귀찮다' and the English suffix '-ism'. It seems like adding '-ism' should be quite productive but I couldn't think of any other 'Konglish' words ...
7 votes
1 answer

What percentage of Korean vocabulary is derived/borrowed from English?

The Wikipedia article on Sino-Korean vocabulary states that Sino-Korean words make up about 60% of the Korean vocabulary (though by frequency of usage, the percentage is lower). Are there any ...