
Each noun are connected as the same level by it.

For example.

부장이고 사장이고 ... The leader and the boss , all is ...

옷이고 신이고 ... The clothes and the shoes , all is ...


산 중에 제일 높은 산은 백두산이고 가장 아름다운 산은 금강산입니다.

It is little weird to me. It seems that this sentence is different a little.

I can understand if this sentence is as follows:

백두산 이고 금강산 이고 조선의 산 입니다.

But the subject sentence has two nouns and they are written separately.

Nonetheless, 이고 is used...


1 Answer 1


이고 in your sentence just means 'and'.

Translated: Among mountains, the highest mountain is 백두산, and the most beautiful mountain is 금강산.

The 이고 in the sentence comes from 이다 (to be) + ~고 (and, grammar point to make and-form of a verb), so 이고 is used to state two different things on each side of the 이고, just like the English 'and'.


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