« 내일 아침에는 일찍 일어나도록 노력해 볼게. » (« I’ll try to wake up early tomorrow morning. ») What does 도록 mean in this sentence ? I read somewhere it usually meant “so that” or “in order to”, but I don’t see how this could be the case in this situation..?
3 Answers
A pedagogical breakdown that might make sense to you:
- 내일 아침에는 Tomorrow morning, ...
- 일찍 일어나도록 ... in order to get up early...
- 노력해 볼게 ...(I) will try working hard.
In English, infinitives with "to" and gerunds in "-ing" can express purpose clauses after "try/attempt" without the explicit "so that / so as", whereas Korean uses -도록 in purpose clauses, as an extension of its causative function.
I feel like I should add some explanation to Michaelyus's nice answer.
-도록 is used to indicate that the precedent is a consequence of the following. (Ref: Naver Korean Dictionary)
in order to .. may not be a fully correct explanation.
To make it much simpler to understand, you can visualize the usage of 도록 as follows:
Goal도록 Action.
So, the phrase preceding 도록 refers to your goal while the phrase after refers to the action necessary to achieve the goal. In the following example:
- Goal: 내일 아침에 일찍 일어남 (To wake up early tomorrow morning),
- Action: 노력해 볼게 ([I] will make an effort).