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Wiki: Common spelling errors that Koreans (are likely to) make

This list obeys the standard grammar rules promulgated by the National Institute of Korean Language (NIKL) and NIKL's Standard Korean Language Dictionary (February 2019). If you disagree with the ...
3 votes

삽십 v 삼십 - mistake or genuine alternative?

It would be better if you provided the context where the word was used. It seems, however, obvious that it meant 삼십 (30). I have never heard or seen the word '삽십.'
user67275's user avatar
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3 votes

육, 륙 or 뉵 for number 6?

It will help to think of spelling and pronunciation separately. spelling 6 in all single or multi-digit numbers are written as 육. So 16 is written as 십육 and pronounced as /심뉵/. When the word is read ...
Tony's user avatar
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How to tell where to break syllables in romanized spelling?

Converting from Hangul to Alphabet is a lossy process, so (in many cases) you cannot know the original Hangul spelling for certain. In your example, if we had a hypothetical word "핸여", it ...
jick's user avatar
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How is the common Korean greeting, "have you had lunch?" spelled?

There are a couple of ways to say this, depending on who you're talking to and the level of familiarity with them! 밥은? = Food? (did you eat?) 밥 먹었어? = Did you eat (food)? 점심 먹었어? = Did ...
AliensinAction's user avatar
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I am studying from Yonsei University textbook which has no answers and I need to know which sentence is correct: 창문을 닫아주십시오 or 창문을 닫어주십시오?

The Korean language has vowel harmony. A letter which contains ㅏ, ㅗ, ㅑ, ㅛ, ㅘ, ㅚ, ㅐ(positive vowel) is followed by -아. A letter which contains ㅓ, ㅜ, ㅕ, ㅠ, ㅔ, ㅝ, ㅟ, ㅖ (negative vowel) is followed by -어. ...
jungyh0218's user avatar
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1 vote

Are the counters in the same word of the numbers?

“한 개” is correct. Most of units are 의존 명사 (translates to “dependent/bound noun”). And you space before them. Hangul orthography §5.2.42 의존 명사는 띄어 쓴다. You space before dependent/bound nouns (의존 명사). ...
Константин Ван's user avatar
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What's the difference between 곁에 and 곁엔?

This version of 우유송 uses 곁에, but another uses 곁엔. Both "항상 내 곁에 우유" and "항상 내 곁엔 우유" translate to "Milk always around me" (Please note that they are incomplete sentences)....
Klmo's user avatar
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I am studying from Yonsei University textbook which has no answers and I need to know which sentence is correct: 창문을 닫아주십시오 or 창문을 닫어주십시오?

I assume you mean 창문(窓門, window), not 장문(長文, long sentence). 창문을 닫아주십시오 is correct.
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