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Questions tagged [meaning]

Questions about the meaning of certain prefixes, suffixes, words, phrases, sentences, and/or texts in relation to context.

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Translate this Idiom to Korean "The hardest things in life are the most rewarding"

Can someone Translate this Idiom to Korean "The hardest things in life are the most rewarding"? What is their version of the idiom? Papago seems little off, thank you
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Need help in understanding the sentence: "아버지 등에 업고 놀러 왔습니다!"

I am reading a manhwa, and I came across this sentence: 아버지 등에 업고 놀러 왔습니다! I tried to translate it myself, yet to no avail. The context is like this: Character A comes to her friend's house and there ...
Varvara's user avatar
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what does 차 meam (e.g. 11년 차)

i chanced upon a phrase 나는 11 년 차 공황장애 환자다 (i've been suffering from panic disorder for 11 years) i take it 차 can be translated as "lasting for... " so, did i get it right that the whole ...
user9890's user avatar
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Do I always have to use honorific nouns with superiors?

I know there are some nouns in Korean that have honorific forms. For example, the honorific form of 밥 is 진지, the honorific form of 집 is 댁... So do I always have to use honorific nouns with superiors? ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Is 아버님 only used in"연인사이"?

I asked a young Korean person: When I talk to a child, I want to ask "What does your father do?". This question should ask "아버님은 무슨 일을 하셔냐?/하셔니?"?. She said that i should ask "...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Question about this slang/curse word

While translating a novel, I came across the following dialogue: “혹시 제가 아는 그, 시벌좌?” “……인터넷 방송 보셨나 봐요.” 차라리 산서잠룡이 낫겠다. 시벌좌가 뭐야, 시벌좌가. The phrase "시벌좌" from the first line seems to have ...
ella's user avatar
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Does 아/어야 have more than one meaning?

As a low intermediate student, I learned that 아/어야 is used to express something as a necessary condition, it can be thought as meaning only if and is commonly used (but not exclusively) in the ...
DrOlliver's user avatar
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When talking to 사장님 about 과장님, do we need to use 존댓말 with 과장님?

In a Korean book there is the following dialogue: enter link description here 남 :네, 총무과뚜안입니다. 아, 사장님. 안녕하십니까? 박 과장님이요? 박 과장님께서는 좀 전에 일 때문에 거래처에 가셨는데요. 네, 그럼 제가 지금 박 과장님께 전화해서 빨리 사장님께 전화하시라 고 말씀드리겠습니다....
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Where is the following sentence wrong?

In a Korean book there is a sentence that goes like this: 선생님, 저와 함께 술을 드시러 가시지요 This book says that the above sentence is not entirely correct because it uses incorrect honorifics. Can you help me ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Difference between 구경하다 and 구하다 : Look Around

What is the word difference between these two words: 구경하다 and 구하다 ? Do they both mean look around?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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What is the difference between 강사 and 선생님

What is the difference between 강사 and 선생님 ? They both mean teacher, trying to understand difference.
mattsmith5's user avatar
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What is Difference between 못 vs 수 없어요?

What is Difference between 못 vs 수 없어요 ? I am reading both mean Cannot do something.
mattsmith5's user avatar
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What is the base form for 되세요?

What is the base form for 되세요 Example Hello Formal: 이름이 어떻게 되세요 ?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Difference between 반 and 수업?

What is the difference between 반 and 수업 ? Do they both mean class?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Is this translation correct in simple present tense?

I want to say "I usually eat bread" in Korea, so I translate that sentence like this: "저는 자주 빵을 막는다". I wonder if the tense of my translated sentence is "present simple" ...
Khánh Bùi's user avatar
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Moving Story Ending: 결말 or 엔딩

When referring to the "End of a movie or story", should I use 결말 or 엔딩 . I can't telling using Papago or Google translate. Also, how to refer to Beginning of Movie? Is it 시작?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Difference between Seat: 자리 and 좌석?

What is the difference between 자리 and 좌석 ? They both mean seat in Korean dictionary. Are they used in different contexts?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Is 다른 곳에서 본 a natural translation of "Seen Elsewhere"?

Is 다른 곳에서 본 natural when I just want to say simply "Seen Elsewhere" only? This is the translation in most translating apps (like google translate & Papago)
toni's user avatar
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What does 퉁치다 mean, or what is the dictionary saying?

I am watching "The Glory" and one of the characters is trying to blackmail another: 입 싸물어 줄 테니까 코인으로 퉁치자 TL: I'll Keep my mouth shut for some of your crypto But what does 퉁치다 mean? Here ...
Ubz's user avatar
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Meaning 열심히 and where does it come from?

"열심히 공부하다" is a common phrase which means "study hard". What does 열심히 come from: 열심하다 ? What 열심히 conjugation and formality is this? Present informal?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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How to Say "Garden" in Korean, and root meanings?

How do I Say "Garden" in Korean? Is it 정원? Sometimes google translate can be wrong, and does not use commonly used words. 정원 Also, does Garden derive from "정" meaning love/...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Hangul, but not vertical or horizontal [closed]

I know this might be a little too late, but I wanted the Hangul spelling of Dreamcatcher as a tattoo. I know it should be written horizontally and read from left to right, but it was placed behind the ...
user8551's user avatar
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Terminology confusion: Basic vowels, complex vowels, etc

I've been taught that this is true about Korean: 10 basic vowels (기본모음): ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ, ㅗ, ㅛ, ㅜ, ㅠ, ㅡ, ㅣ 11 complex vowels (복합모음): ㅐ, ㅔ, ㅒ, ㅖ, ㅘ, ㅙ, ㅚ, ㅝ, ㅞ, ㅟ, ㅢ 14 basic consonants (기본자음) : ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ...
Chas Warren's user avatar
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What does 경 mean for sight seeing and scenery?

What does 경 mean? Is there a root meaning? 경치 - scenery, view 구경하다 - to go sightseeing Also, is there a meaning for 구 in verb (to go sightseeing) ?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Difference between 때 and 시간

What is the the difference between 때 and 시간 ? I read they both mean time, trying to understand.
mattsmith5's user avatar
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What does 꿈치 in 팔꿈치/앞꿈치/뒤꿈치 mean?

The dictionaries I have access to, either list no etymology or simply ‘Of Native Korean origin’ for the words listed in the question. Their definitions are as follows: 팔꿈치: elbow 앞꿈치: in the ITF ...
Canned Man's user avatar
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Grammatical Nuisance: The particle "in order" to in Korean ? [기 위해; 러 and 려고]

What different nuisance is conveyed in the following forms: 공부하기 위해 학교에 가고 있다 공부하러 학교에 가고 있다 공부하려고 학교에 가고 있다 The translations for both are: I’m going to school to study But is there any meaning ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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Korea root meanings: 작다 - small 적다 - to be few

Is there a relationship between these two words (since they sound similar)? I always try to look at roots , meanings, and suffixes, like I do in other languages. Or is this just a coincidence ? 작다 - ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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In Korean, when is (으)라고 used?

I previously knew about one of the indirect quotation structures in Korean which is (으)라고 하다 In some Korean videos, I see sentences like "밥 먹으라고" or "가라고". 밥 먹으라고 and 가라고 are ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Without the 는 것 structure, what will the meaning of the following sentence become?

In the advanced Korean book that I am studying, there is a sentence that goes like this: 취업 성공 여부를 결정하는 면접 평가에서 과연 면접관들은 지원자의 어떤 점을 보는 것일까? In this sentence, the author uses the 는 것 structure in the ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Korea Counter for Pages and Chapters in a book

Is there a Number Counter for pages? I don't see it. I see one for Books, but not for Pages in a book. Also, is there a counter for Chapter in a book? I want to refer to Chapter 5, Page 72 when ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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What is the difference between 잘 살아봐요 vs 잘 살아요?

I see both positive and negative connotations for both. What is the nuance between the two?
guest's user avatar
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What does "운전기사, 식모살이나 하는 주제에!!" mean?

I was reading a manhwwa when someone said "운전기사, 식모살이나 하는 주제에!" angrily to the protagonist. The protagonist's parents are a chauffer and a maid, so I think she is saying "The driver, ...
sara's user avatar
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In the following sentences, are the pairs of prepositions 와/과 and 에게, 을/를 and 에게 correct and completely interchangeable, right?

I have sentence as follows: 저는 친구들과 연락을 해요 and 저는 친구들에게 연락을 해요 (I'm in touch with my friends) 나는 친구들을 도와줬어요 and 나는 친구들에게 도와줬어요 (I helped my friends) In this sentences, are the pairs of ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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What does "다며" mean in this text

I have a text as follows: 오랜만에 고등학교 때 단짝이었던 친구를 만났다. 이런저런 이야기를 하던 중 그 친구는 나에게 볼 만한 사진 전시회가 있다며 같이 가 보지 않겠냐고 물었다 What does "다며" mean in this text
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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What do 인 사상 and 다 싶으리 mean in the passage below?

I have a text as follows: 그러나 이 중에서 현대 한국인들의 사고에 큰 영향을 끼치고 있는 사상은 뭐니 뭐니 해도 조선 시대의 국교였던 유교라고 할 수 있다. 유교는 중국의 춘추 시대에 살았던 사상가 공자(기원전 551~479년)의 사상을 기본으로 한다. 공자는 첫째로, 항상 어진 마음을 가지고 생활해야 한다는 인 사상과 둘째로, ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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When to use ㄴ/은 듯이 and when to use 았/었듯이?

I have been learning about the 듯이 structure. However, when I use it with the past tense, I see two expressions: ㄴ/은 듯이 and 았/었듯이. For example I have the following sentences: 친구가 화가 난 듯이 나를 쳐다보았다 친구가 ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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why does the author use the 아/어라 structure in the commands highlighted below?

I'm studying an advanced Korean book. The book contains the following passage: 돈을 모으는 가장 쉬운 재테크는 자신이 가지고 있는 통장 관리를 어떻게 하느냐에 있다. 통장 관 리가 재테크의 기본이 되는 것이다. 자신의 통장을 용도별, 유형별로 잘 나누거나 합칠 필요가 있다. 통장 관리만 잘해도 ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Difference between 혼자서 and 혼자

I am trying to understand the difference in usage between 혼자서 and 혼자. In particular, I have come across this sentence "아이가 혼자서 잘 놉니다" which is translated as "The girl plays well by ...
Carlos C's user avatar
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Is this Internet comment on how to distinguish 은/는 and 이/가 correct?

Like many other Korean learners, I also have a hard time distinguishing 은/는 and 이/가. Then I researched on the internet about this problem and found a video about it. You can watch that video below: ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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What do these korean workplace titles mean?

I'm here to ask a question, what do 실장 and 팀장 mean in a company scale like celebrity agency? Thanks in advance
Queenbeez's user avatar
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형이다마는 in this sentence is wrong, right?

I am learning the ㄴ/는다마는 structure, and i have a sentence as follows: 그 사람이 내 형이다마는 서로 얼굴을 안 본 지 오래되었어요. (That person is my brother, but we haven't seen each other for a long time) As far as I ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Can (으)ㄹ바에는 and 기보다 be completely interchangeable?

i have 2 sentence as follows: 맛없는 밥을 먹을 바에는 차라리 굶는 것이 더 낫습니다.(Better to starve than to eat tasteless rice) 그 사람이랑 여행을 갈 바에는 차라리 그냥 집에 있겠어요 (If I have to go on a trip with him, I would rather just ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Could someone clarify the use of -(아/어)하다 with adjectives?

I know that (아/어)하다 is used for other people’s desires (3rd person). For 1st and 2nd, you would just use the regular form. However, it is acceptable to use (아/어)하다 in 1st person if you are referring ...
Random Person's user avatar
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Why does the indirect quotation (ㄴ/는)다고 mean "just because" in the following cases?

I have studied grammar (ㄴ/는)다고 before and know that this grammar is indirect quotation in Korean, which means "to say that/to ask that....". However, today I learned again that this grammar ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Difference between "중국어" and "한자어"

중국어 - Chinese language 한자 - Chinese characters 한자어 - Sino-Korean language(???)
최은지's user avatar
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What does "잔치를 원하실 줄은 생각조차" mean?

i have a text as follows 저희는 오히려 부모님이 원하셔서 환갑잔치를 해 드렸더니 좋아하셨어요. 요즘 잔치를 잘 안 하 는 추세라서 잔치 대신 제주도 여행을 보내 드리려고 했는데, 어머님께 살짝 여쭤 보니 환갑이 되었 으면 당연히 잔치를 열게 마련이라 하시더라고요. 잔치를 원하실 줄은 생각조차 못 하고 있었는데 미리 여쭤 보길 잘 했어요....
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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What is the difference between 온 and 모든?

I know in Korean that the word 온 means "all" that is used to modify nouns (eg 온 가족, 온 인류). I also know that the word 모든 also means "all" and is also used to modify nouns. So What ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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What does 어느 in 화창한 어느 아침 means?

I have googled to see what does 어느 mean and what I understand is that it is used to ask questions. I am confused what does it mean in the above sentence. Please also explain the sentence structure ...
coffee's user avatar
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What does 겸 mean and how is it used in a sentence?

겸 I read 겸 in my teacher's autobiography but I do not understand its meaning or how it is used. Here is the sentence: >사실 이번 달 초 약 2주간 시간을 내어 휴가 겸 한국을 다녀왔다. I searched Google translate, Collins ...
Wuncie Adams's user avatar

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