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Questions tagged [grammar]

Questions about the rules that govern and structure the language, and the composition of clauses, phrases and sentences. Also pertains to the syntax and morphology of the Korean language.

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-라고 role in -더라고 grammar pattern

So, I understand that this pattern is used to report a personal observation or experience from the past, and -더- acts as a retrospective suffix conveying past personal experience or observation, but ...
Carlos C's user avatar
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"I'm not good at Korean"

The above sentence can be translated as "한국어 잘하지 못해요". But why not "한국어 잘할 수 없어요"? From what I understand, "못" implies that something is impossible to change, even with ...
hhhh's user avatar
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Conjugation with 는데

In the song "너였다면", there is a line that says "다 알면서도 난 모르는 척 맴도는데". I understand the sentence but am wondering if 맴도 here means "to linger" or "to hover around"...
Nikita's user avatar
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When to put 의 to 로?

To give two examples: 이 경우 역시 기초지방자치단체로서의 권한이 없어 가령 미래로의 여행 Could someone explain please, when to use the two particles 로 and 의 together?
Bugsy's user avatar
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Why is 을 거예요 conjugated as 겁니다 in formal polite style?

The Wiktionary page for -을 것이다 tells me to use the conjugations for 이다, which would suggest -을 것입니다 or -을 거입니다. The former seems to be correct, but I'm confused about the latter. In my textbook (...
awe lotta's user avatar
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Could someone please correct this paragraph for me?

여자 목소리 있는 남자는 조금 무서워지? 비디어 봤고 넷카마에 대해서 배웠고 아 이게 무섭다고 생각했더니 게임하면서 여자갈은 한 명의 남자를 만났는 적을 기억했습니다. 그때 와 이 사람은 완전 여자같은데 저는 그렇게 여자 목소리 있으면 돈을 얼마나 벌 수 있냐고 긍굼했습니다. 이 사람들을 싫어하는 의미는 아닙니다. 오히려 제가 사실 그들을 존경합니다. ...
dutrip's user avatar
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how 믿던 conjugated from 믿다?

I came across this sentence 믿던 사람들에게 사기를 당했다 I guess "믿던" comes from "믿다", but based on the verb conjugation rules I've learned, I can't understand how this change happened, or ...
CN.hitori's user avatar
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I need help with this translating this paragraph

혹시 기분이라도 나쁜 건가 라는 생각이 절로 들 정도로 표정이나 어투가 딱딱한 것이다. 덕분에 혹시 저 누나는 로봇이 아닐까? 하고 어린 마음에 고민헸던 기억이 있다. 혹시 기분이라도 나쁜 건가 라는 생각이 절로 들 정도로 표정이나 어투가 딱딱한 것이다. This is incredibly confusing. Can't even begin to ...
dutrip's user avatar
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Is this usage of 당시 similar to 동안 or am I looking at a different grammar point entirely?

The sentence is as follows: 내가 초등학교 4학년이고, 누나가 중학교 1학년이었을 당시. I understand this to mean: "During a time when I was in my fourth year of elementary school and she was in her first year of middle ...
dutrip's user avatar
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There are several things I don't understand in this sentence

내가 초등학생이었을때부터 7년을 알고 지내왔기에 나에게는 거의 친누나나 다름이 없었다. Keep in mind I only recently started learning Korean (approximately 1 week) before deciding to learn by reading web novels. 7년을 알고 I feel as if 동안 ...
dutrip's user avatar
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Some questions that I had when looking through HTSK Lesson 25

When using 에서 with 아무, I noticed it was 아무 데서 not 아무 데에서. Are both of these fine to use? And also, as a general rule, when can 에서 be shortened to 서? The website states that 누구나 means “everyone”. But ...
Renee Chen's user avatar
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Correction and explanation of "Sing like a singer"

What is the difference between the two following sentences? 가수처럼 노래해요 가수와 같이 노래해요 (Please correct the sentences if they're grammatically wrong). According to Korean - A comprehensive Guide section 3....
user8469759's user avatar
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Asking a store clerk to refill my T-Money card with 10,000 won

If I want to ask to a clerk in a convenience store to top up my T-Money card can I ask with the following: 사장님. 카드에 만원을 충전해 주세요/주겠어요? Is it grammatically correct? Does it sound natural to say?
user8469759's user avatar
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Korean verb to express "think/find/believe"

I wonder what are the closest Korean verbs I can use to express the equivalent of the following english verbs: think - an opinion that you are NOT sure of. find - an opinion that you are sure of ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Translate "How do I ask my girlfriend how cook pasta?"

I want to translate in korean the question: How do I ask my girlfriend how to cook pasta? I made an attempt: 제 여자친구한테 어떻게 파스타를 요리하다고 어떻게 칠문해요? The rationale behind it is How do I ask? -> 어떻게 ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Why is it 가져다가 instead of 가지다가?

The suffix -다(가) is normally attached to the verb stem, not the present stem (-어/아-). But I find that in the case of 가지다 they say e.g. 가져다 놓다 (instead of 가지다 놓다), while the contracted form is regular (...
vukung's user avatar
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X wants to know when we'll receive Y

I am trying to translate the following sentence. Tom wants to know when will receive the package My attempt is 톰님이 언제 특히를 받다고 알고 싶어요 My thought on why this might be correct is because what Tom ...
user8469759's user avatar
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What does this 알라 mean as in "거기서 내가 울고 있는 줄 알라"

I was reading a poem in Korean but could never understand this sentence. 거기서 내가 울고 있는 줄 알라 I am confused about the verb in the end 알라. Judging from its form, I think it might be either the ...
FSY's user avatar
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How to say "Which city are you from?"

How do you say "Which city are you from?" Which one below is correct? Are there any other new sentences I can use? 어느 도시에 사세요? 어디 도시에 사세요? 어디에 도시 사세요?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Construct object-phrases in korean

I was trying to construct a sentence like the following. Would you show me where I can throw this away? I am not a grammar expert but if I have to translate just Would you show me this I would ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Is there the korean version of 'As' for when cause or reasonings

I was browsing ths Google to see if theres this exact word for nuance and meaning 'As' for reasons or effects rather than comparisons, but I found none, example: 'As the sun slowly sets, Shin-Hye is ...
Aaron Neville's user avatar
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Do I always have to use honorific nouns with superiors?

I know there are some nouns in Korean that have honorific forms. For example, the honorific form of 밥 is 진지, the honorific form of 집 is 댁... So do I always have to use honorific nouns with superiors? ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Is 아버님 only used in"연인사이"?

I asked a young Korean person: When I talk to a child, I want to ask "What does your father do?". This question should ask "아버님은 무슨 일을 하셔냐?/하셔니?"?. She said that i should ask "...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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I’m practicing “journal style” writing in Korean with a new book. Is this sentence correct?

다다음 주부터 가을방학 시작한다. The examples in my book don’t use a particle next to school vacation. I also wasn’t sure if “다다음“ is week after next? Is there a different informal way to say “in two weeks”? Thanks!...
Maggie Audelle's user avatar
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Asking "Can you speak Korean?"

I was chatting to a Korean gentlemen this morning, with whom I was speaking for the first time. Because I texted "안녕하세요" his first thought was I spoke Korean. So he asked me 엇 한국어 가능하세요 ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Is 한국어를 해요correct?

I am asking this because I saw someone saying it is correct, but I don't think it is. As someone who speaks japanese I would never say 韓国語をする, but instead I'd say 韓国語ができる which is equivalent to 한국어를 할 ...
Manab's user avatar
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Does 아/어야 have more than one meaning?

As a low intermediate student, I learned that 아/어야 is used to express something as a necessary condition, it can be thought as meaning only if and is commonly used (but not exclusively) in the ...
DrOlliver's user avatar
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When talking to 사장님 about 과장님, do we need to use 존댓말 with 과장님?

In a Korean book there is the following dialogue: enter link description here 남 :네, 총무과뚜안입니다. 아, 사장님. 안녕하십니까? 박 과장님이요? 박 과장님께서는 좀 전에 일 때문에 거래처에 가셨는데요. 네, 그럼 제가 지금 박 과장님께 전화해서 빨리 사장님께 전화하시라 고 말씀드리겠습니다....
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Finally as adverb and auxiliary verb (드디어 vs 어/아 버리다)

Today I came across the use of the auxiliary verb 버리다 to express (among the other things) finally. However as far as I know finally in korean is also the adverb 드디어. So I wonder for example what is ...
user8469759's user avatar
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I am happy that I am finally going to Seoraksan

The following two sentences sound like can be translated in the same way: 저는 설악산에 가 버리다고 행복해요 저는 설악산에 가 버려서 행복해요 Which to me means I am happy that I am finally going to Seoraksan. I wonder however ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Thank you for the food

I had lunch yesterday in a restaurant and I wanted to say "thank you for the food" (after the meal while paying). What came out of my mouth was 음식이라서 감사합이다 The owner seems to have and ...
user8469759's user avatar
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~단 말이지? Is this expressing a conclusion or what the speaker was actually trying to say?

I am aware that 단 말이야 is often used to confirm information that the speaker said. All of the practice examples have what the speaker said roughly verbatim. 나: 어제 10시간이나 잤어요. 가: 네? 어제 10시시간이나 잤단 말이에요?...
Ubz's user avatar
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How to use -에 있다/없다

When going through my book (fun fun korean 1) I noticed that the structure for using -에 있다 was different from -에 없다 . Example: The book is on top of the desk = 책이 책상 위에 있어요. The pencil case does not ...
truiz's user avatar
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I am thinking about the sentence you wrote

A wonderful lady texted me a nice sentence yesterday. 생각해서 생각이 나온다. Which seems to translate as "thoughts lead to more thought". As I've been thinking about this sentence since yesterday I ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Where is the following sentence wrong?

In a Korean book there is a sentence that goes like this: 선생님, 저와 함께 술을 드시러 가시지요 This book says that the above sentence is not entirely correct because it uses incorrect honorifics. Can you help me ...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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Quotations - Can 라고 and 다고 be followed by any verbs?

I am learning about quotations. And in many examples the construction I've seen those is explained as follows Put the quoted utterance Follow the quoted utterance by 다고 + 하다 or 라고 + 하다 (with few ...
user8469759's user avatar
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라떼 말이야 - meaning?

I encountered the phrase 라떼 말이야 la-tte mal-iy-a, which I might have figured as Latte is the word, but which Google and Bing translate as I mean latte (Google)/lattes (Bing). Papago momentarily shows I’...
Sydney's user avatar
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소방당국은 긴급 환자들을 헬기를 동원해 병원으로 옮겼습니다

This sentence is from an article here. 소방당국은 긴급 환자들을 헬기를 동원해 병원으로 옮겼습니다. Can I rewrite it like this? 소방당국은 헬기를 동원해 긴급 환자들을 병원으로 옮겼습니다.
hana's user avatar
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Is this translation correct in simple present tense?

I want to say "I usually eat bread" in Korea, so I translate that sentence like this: "저는 자주 빵을 막는다". I wonder if the tense of my translated sentence is "present simple" ...
Khánh Bùi's user avatar
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Sentence with (으)면 하다 in past tense

I came across this sentence from a text message 금일 결과 리뷰 했으면 합니다 I found in my reference that the pattern (으)면+하다 means "would/wish" and conjugating 하다 in past tense provide a more ...
user8469759's user avatar
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How to express "I want something" in Korean

There's a pattern in korean, V고 싶다, which is used when expressing things like: 가족이 보고 싶어요 (I want to see my family) 딸기를 먹고 싶어요 (I want to eat strawberries) 침데에서 자고 싶어요 (I want to sleep in bed) It ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Present participle colloquial usage

So in all of my grammar resources, they say that the present participle for a verb is formed by adding 는 after the verb. E.g "the sleeping man" = "자는남자" However, a native speaker (...
Julian's user avatar
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하고 vs. 해서 vs. 하고 나서 vs. 한 채 - 비교

Could you describe nuances between these sentences and point out the one that sounds most natural? 화장을 하고 수영장에 가면 안 되죠. 화장을 하고 나서 수영장에 가면 안 되죠. 화장을 해서 수영장에 가면 안 되죠. 화장을 한 채 수영장에 가면 안 되죠. Thank you ...
Taman's user avatar
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What is the meaning of '별로 차이가 없다'

What is the meaning of '별로 차이가 없다'? 이 한국말은 영어로 설명하면 무슨 뜻입니까? 알고 싶어요.
Lovely Coffeecan's user avatar
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Translation of "I wonder if you can buy the bread on your way home"

Related to this question where I was suggested to lookup the patterns V(으)ㄹ래요 and V(으)ㄹ게요. In my understanding, and according to one of my grammar reference these are sentence final endings expressing ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Difference between the pattern ~아/어 보다 (auxiliary verb) and the post modifier ~(으)ㄴ 적/일

I was reading here and there about post modifiers and auxiliary verbs in korean. And recently a couple of them captured my attention namely ~아/어 보다 (auxiliary verb) and ~(으)ㄴ 적/일. Specifically I ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Translation "I always start working after exercising"

I am trying to translate: I always start working after exercising Or equivalently I always exercise before start working Or (sligthly different) I cannot work if I don't exercise My attempt: 저는 ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Translating "Because today the weather was hot I went to the coffee shop in the afternoon"

Trying to translate the following. Because today the weather was hot I went to a coffee shop in the afternoon My attempt 오늘 날씨는 뜨겁어서 오후에 커피쑢에서 널었어요. Is it correct?
user8469759's user avatar
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Translating "A: Can you buy some bread? B: I will buy it on my way home but I have to go to school now"

As exercise I am trying to translate the following: A: Can you buy some bread? B: I will buy it on my way home but I have to go to school now. My attempt. A: 빵를 사수 있어요? B: 집으로 가는 길에 사지만 지금 학교에 가요 ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Translating "Bonnie has a cat named Tia"

I have the following sentence I'd like to translate. I'll list all the steps I did so in the correction maybe I can spot more easily what I did wrong. Bonnie has a cat named Tia In my attempt I was ...
user8469759's user avatar

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