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갈매기살 (lit. seagull meat) pork cut name origin

It's not seagull :) It seems to be flow like this. '횡격막(diaphragm) -> spoken korean 가로막(horizontal block)' + '-이(er)' + '살(flesh)' = '가로막이살' -> '가ㄹㅗ매기살' - 'ㅗ' = '갈매기살' Source
Newkie's user avatar
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4 votes

What's the difference between '탕' and '국'?

They are similar dishes. For example, here are pictures of two Korean dishes: 돼지국밥 is probably the most famous dish from Busan: it is a soup (국) containing pork (돼지) and rice (밥) as main ingredients. ...
Taladris's user avatar
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3 votes

What's the difference between '탕' and '국'?

국 and 탕 more or less mean the same, 탕 being the honorific form. 탕 isn't used as commonly as 국 though. For example 나머지는 내가 준비할 테니 가서 탕을 좀 내와라. means the same as 나머지는 내가 준비할 테니 가서 국을 좀 내와라. ...
Jeonghyeon Lee's user avatar
3 votes

What does 까지 mean after a date ? Is the expiry date for distribution or for consumption?

까지 means "until" or "due". So it is expired, technically, but usually it is safe to eat it. It is the date until which the product is sold by, and for 불닭, the "used by" ...
Absol's user avatar
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What is the anglicization of 팻잎?

깻잎 is pronounced as [깬닙] - according to the current standard, its Romanization is kkaennip. As for why the ㄴ sound is inserted, see this question: Why is 꽃잎 pronounced as 꼰잎?
jick's user avatar
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What is the anglicization of 팻잎?

It is not 팻잎. It is 깻잎. 깻잎 is the leaf of the 깻 plant. 깨 (kkae) is a very small seed. Therefore, 깻잎 literally means "leaf of the 깨 plant." Grammatically, it should be 깨잎, but for ...
hanasiu's user avatar
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What does this North Korean woman mean by joking about "ear wax" when they are about to eat?

Welcome! The food you are referring to seems to be 편육, which really is a ham made from pig's head. It is quite popular in South Korea, and from the video I presume that it also is in the North as ...
Jihyung Kang's user avatar
2 votes

스푼 in a recipe: tablespoons or teaspoons?

Not sure about 스푼. They probably meant the size of a 밥숟가락, which is not a precise unit but probably a bit less than a tablespoon. In recipes, teaspoon and tablespoon are written as 작은술 and 큰술, ...
jick's user avatar
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1 vote

스푼 in a recipe: tablespoons or teaspoons?

I think "스푼" means a tablespoon and "티스푼" means a teaspoon. I know there is no such a strict criteria about "스푼" if there is no special mention.
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