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6 votes

How do the 'stroke counting symbol' work?

It is a Chinese short-hand representation of tallying, or counting the number of something, if the number is not too large More details can be found here: ...
user17915's user avatar
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What do these money-related gestures mean?

As the comments said, the first one means generic "money" (she's making the shape of a coin with her thumb and index finger.) The other two, I have no idea, but considering that the comics was full ...
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Are the counters in the same word of the numbers?

“한 개” is correct. Most of units are 의존 명사 (translates to “dependent/bound noun”). And you space before them. Hangul orthography §5.2.42 의존 명사는 띄어 쓴다. You space before dependent/bound nouns (의존 명사). ...
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