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General questions about word meanings, or finding an appropriate word.

2 votes

Does '어찌하다' have a distinct meaning to '어떠하다'/'어떡하다'?

어찌하다(어쩌다 in short) is a placeholder for a verb. 어떠하다(어떻다 in short, 어때 when conjugated with 아/어) is a placeholder for an adjective. 어떡하다 is from 어떻게 하다, which is short for 어떠하게 하다. As you can see, 어떠하게 …
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5 votes

What does ▽ mean in 곤란 (困難▽)?

It's not an error. From the preface of the dictionary: (1) 한자의 원래 음과 한글 표기로 제시되는 음이 다른 경우에는 해당 한자 오른쪽에 '▽' 기호로 표시하였다. 그러나 사이시옷이 첨가된 형태나 어문 규정의 차이로 달리 표기한 북한어에는 표시하지 않았다. <예> 시월01 (十▽月) , 찻-잔 (茶盞), 페 …
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5 votes

What's the word for "obsolete"?

"obsolete" is defined as "no longer used because something newer exists". 사용되지 않다 means "is not used", not "should not used". "더 이상 사용되지 않다" therefore means "no longer used anymore". There's also 구식 …
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7 votes

진실 vs 진리: What is "the truth"?

I want to know if Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy. I want to know the truth. Am I looking for 진리 or 진실? You're looking for 진실. 진리 is a more or less philosophical/religious/logistical te …
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2 votes

Where can I find original constituents of compound words?

I think you have a bad grasp on the concept. 전항 is not composed of 이전 + 항목. It is simply a compound word of two words 전(前) and 항(項). 전 means roughly the same thing as 이전, and 항 means roughly the same …
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8 votes

Are there any counter words that some native Koreans might not know?

고등어 한 손 - two mackerels 장작 한 가리 - twenty pieces of firewood, used for things tied together 새끼 한 고팽이 - one roll of rope, only used for rope 북어 한 쾌 - twenty dried pollacks, only used for dried pollacks …
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4 votes

Remembering Color Words

Etymology is frequently a good way of remembering words. 빨간색 is 빨갛- + -ㄴ + 색, where 빨갛다 is a tense form of 발갛다, which comes from 붉- + -어 + -하다, and 붉다 comes from 불(fire). Fire is red, so 붉다 and 빨갛다 a …
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4 votes

Etymology for 마찬가지 (just the same)

The etymology page of the National Institute of Korean Language's site explains that 마찬가지 is a shortened form of 마치 한가지. ‘마찬가지’라는 단어는 옛 문헌에서 발견되지 않는다. 사전으로서는 <조선어사전>(1938)에서 처음으로 확인된다. ‘마찬가지’는 ‘마치 …
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3 votes

difference of prononciation between both Koreas because of absence of 사이시옷 in North Korea?

First of all, 전깃줄 is pronounced [전기쭐] or [전긷쭐], and 가삿말 is not a word. 옛날 is still written 옛날 in North Korea. That's because ㅅ in 옛 is not a 사이시옷. 옛 is an attributive meaning "past", so 옛날 is a comp …
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3 votes

Why would a Korean refer to a doctor as 선생님?

의사 선생(님) is the proper way to address/refer to a medical doctor. 선생(先生) is traditionally a title given to a person who has high degree of skills in arts and sciences. It does not necessarily mean "tea …
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12 votes

What is the politest way in Korean to say that someone is 'old'?

연세 should be definitely mentioned here. 연세 is a more polite form of 나이, and if you want to be super polite, you can say 연세가 많으시다 to mean "old". It's also a very common expression. It might seem odd a …
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7 votes

How do you ask for someone's shoe size in Korean?

I think what you heard is "몇 신어요?", literally "What size do you wear?". A more general phrase would be "신발 사이즈가 어떻게 되세요?" "What is your shoe size?" In banmal, "신발 몇 신어?" / "신발 사이즈 얼마야?"
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4 votes

What is the difference between 도수 versus 빈도?

It's basically the same meaning. They're used without distinction most of the time. For example, the mathematical term "relative frequency" is both referred to as 상대 빈도 and 상대 도수. I'd say 빈도 is more c …
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7 votes

Which Korean country names originate from Japanese?

독일(獨逸) - Germany, from Japanese (ドイツ doitsu), ultimately from German Deutsch 화란(和蘭) - Netherlands, from Japanese (オランダ oranda), ultimately from Papiamento Hulanda 불란서(佛蘭西) - France, from Japanese (フ …
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6 votes

two subjects in 당신은 이름이 뭐예요?

This is how the sentence is explained in Korean school grammar: 당신은 (이름이 뭐예요) 이름이 뭐예요 forms a single predicate clause, and the subject of the predicate clause is taken by 당신은. That means there are …
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