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Questions tagged [word-usage]

For questions about the correct usage of a given word.

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

How to say "Goodbye forever"

How do you say , "goodbye forever" to someone? In sort of TV playful dramatic tone? Example: You're boyfriend/girlfriend is leaving the country, or someone you won't see ever again. Is it ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

is there difference between 소게 and 속에

I recently started to read short stories to enhance my vocabulary and and to understand the spelling. These two words 소게 and 속에 I know have different meanings but if someone says write "soge"...
Swati MURUGESAN's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is Difference between 못 vs 수 없어요?

What is Difference between 못 vs 수 없어요 ? I am reading both mean Cannot do something.
mattsmith5's user avatar
0 votes
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Difference between 구경하다 and 구하다 : Look Around

What is the word difference between these two words: 구경하다 and 구하다 ? Do they both mean look around?
mattsmith5's user avatar