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Questions tagged [vocabulary]

General questions about word meanings, or finding an appropriate word.

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What is the difference between 종류 and 가지?

My current understanding is that both words indicate a type/kind of thing, and 종류 is more used for classifying / grouping things, but my understanding is still a bit unclear. Could someone help me ...
Renee Chen's user avatar
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What is the difference between 노동자 vs 근로자? I'm also a bit confused with their meanings

노동자 is listed as a manual/physical laborer in HTSK. When I searched it up, it said that this word could be used for any worker, e.g office worker, store worker. So is 노동자 mainly used for a physical ...
Renee Chen's user avatar
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환경 vs 분위기, whats the difference?

For 환경, I know that this word can refer to the natural environment. On HTSK, it says it can also mean environment in a metaphorical sense, with the meaning of "atmosphere / mood". 분위기 also ...
Renee Chen's user avatar
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Could someone please correct this paragraph for me?

여자 목소리 있는 남자는 조금 무서워지? 비디어 봤고 넷카마에 대해서 배웠고 아 이게 무섭다고 생각했더니 게임하면서 여자갈은 한 명의 남자를 만났는 적을 기억했습니다. 그때 와 이 사람은 완전 여자같은데 저는 그렇게 여자 목소리 있으면 돈을 얼마나 벌 수 있냐고 긍굼했습니다. 이 사람들을 싫어하는 의미는 아닙니다. 오히려 제가 사실 그들을 존경합니다. ...
dutrip's user avatar
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Is this usage of 당시 similar to 동안 or am I looking at a different grammar point entirely?

The sentence is as follows: 내가 초등학교 4학년이고, 누나가 중학교 1학년이었을 당시. I understand this to mean: "During a time when I was in my fourth year of elementary school and she was in her first year of middle ...
dutrip's user avatar
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There are several things I don't understand in this sentence

내가 초등학생이었을때부터 7년을 알고 지내왔기에 나에게는 거의 친누나나 다름이 없었다. Keep in mind I only recently started learning Korean (approximately 1 week) before deciding to learn by reading web novels. 7년을 알고 I feel as if 동안 ...
dutrip's user avatar
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is there difference between 소게 and 속에

I recently started to read short stories to enhance my vocabulary and and to understand the spelling. These two words 소게 and 속에 I know have different meanings but if someone says write "soge"...
Swati MURUGESAN's user avatar
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What is the word after '여러분' in this audio recording?

I would like some help to understand what is the very first word said in this audio: The word is followed by 여러분, so ...
DrOlliver's user avatar
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Is 아버님 only used in"연인사이"?

I asked a young Korean person: When I talk to a child, I want to ask "What does your father do?". This question should ask "아버님은 무슨 일을 하셔냐?/하셔니?"?. She said that i should ask "...
Thai Trinh's user avatar
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I’m practicing “journal style” writing in Korean with a new book. Is this sentence correct?

다다음 주부터 가을방학 시작한다. The examples in my book don’t use a particle next to school vacation. I also wasn’t sure if “다다음“ is week after next? Is there a different informal way to say “in two weeks”? Thanks!...
Maggie Audelle's user avatar
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아리운 meaning, explanation

The second part of the Alchemy of Souls OST is a song called 아리운 (Aching). While it is obvious to say that 아리운 means aching, I would like an explanation of what kind of word it is, as I can't seem to ...
pavelkomin's user avatar
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Difference between 구경하다 and 구하다 : Look Around

What is the word difference between these two words: 구경하다 and 구하다 ? Do they both mean look around?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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What is the difference between 강사 and 선생님

What is the difference between 강사 and 선생님 ? They both mean teacher, trying to understand difference.
mattsmith5's user avatar
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What is Difference between 못 vs 수 없어요?

What is Difference between 못 vs 수 없어요 ? I am reading both mean Cannot do something.
mattsmith5's user avatar
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What is the base form for 되세요?

What is the base form for 되세요 Example Hello Formal: 이름이 어떻게 되세요 ?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Difference between 반 and 수업?

What is the difference between 반 and 수업 ? Do they both mean class?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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How to say "Goodbye forever"

How do you say , "goodbye forever" to someone? In sort of TV playful dramatic tone? Example: You're boyfriend/girlfriend is leaving the country, or someone you won't see ever again. Is it ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Moving Story Ending: 결말 or 엔딩

When referring to the "End of a movie or story", should I use 결말 or 엔딩 . I can't telling using Papago or Google translate. Also, how to refer to Beginning of Movie? Is it 시작?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Difference between Seat: 자리 and 좌석?

What is the difference between 자리 and 좌석 ? They both mean seat in Korean dictionary. Are they used in different contexts?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Installed Korean fonts in Apple Font Book all have "동" where in English we would have "Aa"—why?

Installed Korean fonts in Apple Font Book all have "동" where in English we would have "Aa"—why? And is the meaning here "east" or something else?
shainanigans's user avatar
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Korean Sports: More commonly used Synonyms

In researching commonly used sports terms. What is more commonly used for "Boxing" in Korea? 권투 or 복싱? My teacher says 복싱 is used more these days. 권투 is more traditional. How about ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Meaning 열심히 and where does it come from?

"열심히 공부하다" is a common phrase which means "study hard". What does 열심히 come from: 열심하다 ? What 열심히 conjugation and formality is this? Present informal?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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What is the male equivalent of 사모님?

When talking about the wife of your male teacher/boss/customer/etc, to show respect you would use the word 사모님. What is the male equivalent of this word? If you are respectfully trying to talk about ...
user17915's user avatar
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How to Say "Garden" in Korean, and root meanings?

How do I Say "Garden" in Korean? Is it 정원? Sometimes google translate can be wrong, and does not use commonly used words. 정원 Also, does Garden derive from "정" meaning love/...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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meaning of (noun?)조차

I was watching a youtube video earlier and I found two of these "조차" particles come up in the video: 모든 인간관계의 문제, 모든 범죄조차도 저는 그 통제권을 가지려는 욕망에서 온다고 생각 하거든요. 그리고 보통 이런 사람은 본인조차도 통제하지 못하고 있을 ...
greentea's user avatar
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Why isn't 푸릉 a word?

In 순우리말, the basic color terms are 하양(white), 검정(black), 빨강(red), 노랑(yellow), and 파랑(blue). (There is also 보라(purple), but this word has Mongolian origins.) This seems to violate the results of Berlin ...
Dannyu NDos's user avatar
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Terminology confusion: Basic vowels, complex vowels, etc

I've been taught that this is true about Korean: 10 basic vowels (기본모음): ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ, ㅗ, ㅛ, ㅜ, ㅠ, ㅡ, ㅣ 11 complex vowels (복합모음): ㅐ, ㅔ, ㅒ, ㅖ, ㅘ, ㅙ, ㅚ, ㅝ, ㅞ, ㅟ, ㅢ 14 basic consonants (기본자음) : ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ...
Chas Warren's user avatar
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What does 경 mean for sight seeing and scenery?

What does 경 mean? Is there a root meaning? 경치 - scenery, view 구경하다 - to go sightseeing Also, is there a meaning for 구 in verb (to go sightseeing) ?
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Difference between 때 and 시간

What is the the difference between 때 and 시간 ? I read they both mean time, trying to understand.
mattsmith5's user avatar
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meaning of 도록 in a specific sentence

« 내일 아침에는 일찍 일어나도록 노력해 볼게. » (« I’ll try to wake up early tomorrow morning. ») What does 도록 mean in this sentence ? I read somewhere it usually meant “so that” or “in order to”, but I don’t see how ...
Margaux's user avatar
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Korea root meanings: 작다 - small 적다 - to be few

Is there a relationship between these two words (since they sound similar)? I always try to look at roots , meanings, and suffixes, like I do in other languages. Or is this just a coincidence ? 작다 - ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Korean causative verbs vs. English causative verbs

Kind of a weird question, but please bear with me. I want to know whether Korean and English behave similarly with respect to how causative verbs are formed. In English there are two types of ...
Deep_Television's user avatar
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Korean He/She pronouns used

Does Korea have third person pronouns for he/she? I read them in the dictionary, but someone mentioned they aren't really used. He/she pronouns are mostly used in books, but not conversations. Is this ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Can 오합지졸 describe the Halloween Crowd in Itaewon, South Korea?

오합지졸 - 까마귀 烏, 합합 合, 같지 之, 군사 卒 - 아무 규율도 통일도 없이 몰려다니는 무리 - A crowd that rushes around without any discipline or unity Can the crowd from the 2022 Halloween tragedy in Itaewon be said to be an oh-...
제이 죤스톤's user avatar
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What is the verb base for 지냈어요?

What is the verb base for the word 지냈어요 ? And what is the definition? This is seen a lot in "How are you?" phrase. 잘 지냈어요? I want to understand the verb base.
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Korea Counter for Pages and Chapters in a book

Is there a Number Counter for pages? I don't see it. I see one for Books, but not for Pages in a book. Also, is there a counter for Chapter in a book? I want to refer to Chapter 5, Page 72 when ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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거래처 possible meanings

I have a question about possible meanings of 거래처. In my textbook, it's defined as "client", but from the example sentence below, it seems like it can refer to a place as well. 빨리 갑시다. 거래처에서 ...
Timmy Xie's user avatar
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Meaning of 앞으로 남고 뒤로 밑지다

'앞으로 벌고 뒤로 손해본다'라고도 표현되는 것 같던데 현재 값어치/현금 유동성과 관련된 말인 것 같습니다만 정확히 어떤 의미로 쓰이는지 해석 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. It seems to have something to do with the time value of money, but I can't wrap my head around it. Will ...
user13229973's user avatar
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Does Korean have short expressions like German's schadenfreude or Japanese Ikigai?

I'm looking to study Korean, and am interested in language in general, and was curious if Korean had any such short expressions that represents a larger feeling/story.
A O's user avatar
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Thank you for your Patience to a Teacher

I have a Korean teacher that is very nice and Patient with me especially, as I'm trying to learn. How do I say, "Thank you for your Patience" I read this, but this seems more like a ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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How to say "Save yourselves!" in Korean?

What is a natural way to say "Save yourselves!" in Korean? Context: someone yelling this to his friends when danger is imminent, and they can leave everything and everyone behind.
parksonlee's user avatar
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What is the difference between 어때 and 어떻게?

I mostly understand the difference between them (what do you think about xx vs. how yy), but I’ve seen the sentence 그 여자에 대해 어떻게 생각해요? Does this mean that 어떻게 can also be used to say “what do you ...
Random Person's user avatar
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The native understanding of 이/그/저-러/렇-다

I’ve been very interested in figuring out how natives understand these words. How being by what way are they conceptually understood and used. That is to say, when reading—or saying—something like 그런데 ...
率龜_'s user avatar
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What do these korean workplace titles mean?

I'm here to ask a question, what do 실장 and 팀장 mean in a company scale like celebrity agency? Thanks in advance
Queenbeez's user avatar
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Korean word for "right" as opposed to "left" is 오른, which sounds similar to 옳은, the word for "right" as opposed to "wrong". Is this a coincidence?

If the word 오른 is related to 옳은, it mean that in the Korean language, these concepts are associated, like in English. But no association between these two concepts is found in Japanese or Chinese, ...
alicec's user avatar
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Korean prefix similar to "un-" in as in "unschooling."

The English prefix "un-" has an interesting, versatile use case. "Unschooling", for example, means education, but not in the way most people think of it: no teachers, grades, ...
Leftium's user avatar
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What does 어느 in 화창한 어느 아침 means?

I have googled to see what does 어느 mean and what I understand is that it is used to ask questions. I am confused what does it mean in the above sentence. Please also explain the sentence structure ...
coffee's user avatar
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Troubles with machine translation of a simple sentence

How come these three sentences have the same translation into English, yet they don't look very similar? 난 당신이 괜찮았으면 좋겠어. 나는 당신이 괜찮 으면 좋겠다. 괜찮으시길 바랍니다. Sorry, I'm not a Korean learner, I just want to ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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How to say "I work for" without implying "I work at"

My language buddy asked me what I did for a living, and I told her I was a company employee. Then she asked which company and I didn't know how to answer. For context, I work for a large hospital ...
Vera's user avatar
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what's the difference between 바래 and 좋겠어?

I asked someone to translate "I hope you understand" in Korean and i received two answers. 니가 이해하길 바래. and 니가 이해해줬으면 좋겠어. is there a difference in intensity of formality? or is it just ...
zzswers's user avatar
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