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Is -(으)ㄹ the only morpheme that always tensifies the following consonant?

I'm wondering if there's a list of morphemes that always tensify the following consonant (outside of the phenomenon of compound tensing), or if the irrealis adnominal suffix -(으)ㄹ is the only such ...
awe lotta's user avatar
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Confusing changing of verbs to present and past tense form in Korean

I was studying from TTMIK level 1 textbook and workbook present and past tense and I noticed that when a verb is changed to present or past tense, the syllable was changed to a slightly different form....
vinc3w's user avatar
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Are both these sentences correct?

'벌써 추운 겨울이 가고 따뜻한 봄이 왔습니다' and '벌써 추운 겨울이 갔고 따뜻한 봄이 벌써 추운 겨울이 가고 따뜻한 봄이 왔습니다' In an example the first sentence was givem.. However when 오다 is in past form shouldn't we be using the past form of 가다?
ieycha's user avatar
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How to say "something is broken (in the past)"?

In Korean, to say "something is broken", you use the past form of the verb 고장나다. 텔레비전이 고장났어요. But now I wonder how to say "something got broken", meaning the malfunction happened in the past. Is ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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Present progressive

Just a flash of thought. Which one is right to use to make present progressive sentences, and why? “-고 있는다” and “-고 계신다” (honorific) 나는 질문하고 있는다. 다른 분들은 답하고 계신다. “-고 있는다” and “-고 계시다” (honorific) ...
Константин Ван's user avatar
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Past continuous

How can we describe some cases, in which an act occurs during some process? Can we use -았고/-었고/-였고 + 있다 or -고 + 있었다? e.g. When I entered, he was jumping on the floor.
Hayk Abelyan's user avatar
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What might be the difference between 하고 있지 않다 and 하지 않고 있다?

Consider the following two sentences in Korean, which are negations of the present continuous form 하고 있다: 나는 시험 준비를 하고 있지 않다. 나는 시험 준비를 하지 않고 있다. Do they perfectly have the same meaning, say "I ...
Suhjin Park's user avatar
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Is 학습할 a participle in the following extract?

각 단원에서, 학습할 한글 자모의 획순과 발음, 음절 구성을 제시합니다. ● 각 단원에서 In each chapter, ● 학습할 한글 자모의 획순과 the Hanguel character order that will be learnt, and * (한글 자모의 획순) = Korean character order * (학습할)...
James's user avatar
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저 영화는 아주 슬퍼요/슬펐어요. 그래서 많이 울었어요

저 영화는 아주 슬퍼요. 그래서 많이 울었어요. 저 영화는 아주 슬펐어요. 그래서 많이 울었어요. Are both sentences correct? If so, is there any difference in meaning between #1 and #2?
emnha's user avatar
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Future tense verb conjugation

What are the different ways of expressing future tense in Korean? When do I use which way? For example, I'm not aware of the difference between 먹을게 and 먹겠다.
JDong's user avatar
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Why is this download progress bar worded in the past tense?

This bar, that would be worded as something like '9 seconds remaining' in English, comes up as '9초 남았습니다' - which I would normally translate as something like 'there were 9 seconds left'. Does '았' ...
Нет войне's user avatar
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What is the meaning (or meanings) of the double past construction '-었/았+었-'?

I've read that 었/았+었 is often used to talk about a state or action that was true, but is no longer true: 이모 이름을 잊었었다. 그런데 지금은 생각이 난다. I had forgotten my aunt's name. But now I remember. But ...
Нет войне's user avatar
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What is the correct past tense of 이다?

What is the correct past tense of 이다? Is it 이었어요 or 였어요 or something else? If there one correct answer or does it depend on the context?
Block Chainz's user avatar