Questions tagged [hanja]

Questions pertaining to Hanja: the Korean name for Chinese characters. The Korean language has borrowed Chinese characters that have been incorporated into the Korean language.

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5 votes
1 answer

Dropping of initial ㄹ and ㄴ before /j/ and /i/ in hanja

In many hanja words, initial 리을 and 니은 are dropped before a "y" /j/ or "i" /i/ sound, which correspond to the vowels ㅣ ㅕ ㅑ ㅖ ㅠ ㅛ. This often happens if the hanja constitutes the first syllable of a ...
busukxuan's user avatar
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What is the hangeul for the personal name 金知桓?

What is the hangeul for the personal name 金知桓? I understand that the family name is 김 but what is the given name? I have searched all the dictionaries I have and google doesn't give me anything.
Rikard N's user avatar
9 votes
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Are all words from Chinese characters (한자어) nouns?

It seems to me like all the common Chinese character-based words in Korean I've encountered are, in themselves, nouns (though many of them can be used with 하다 to create verbs). Even 'sayings' like ...
Нет войне's user avatar
8 votes
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Korean words whose pronunciation differs unpredictably from the spelling

There are several Korean words which have a pronunciation that differs from the spelling in an unpredictable way, like 내과 (actually pronounced like 내꽈) and 여권 (actually pronounced 여꿘).1 As far as I ...
gaeguri's user avatar
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기계 (gigye) ==> 機械, 器械, 奇計 (what else?) is great for Hangul Super- Newbie learners. For example, 기계 gives me 3 Kanji (Hanja) meanings/readings for 기계 (gigye) ==> 機械, 器械, 奇計 ( btw, in Jp ( Japanese ),...
HizHa's user avatar
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What is 훈음 in a layman's words?

In learning Korean hanja, I come accross to the word 훈음. So what does it mean in a layman's word? An example from wikitionary: '國'의 음은 '국'이며 훈은 '나라'이다 Or an excerpt from Naver dict for 훈: ...
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