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Questions tagged [conjugation]

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Conjugation with 는데

In the song "너였다면", there is a line that says "다 알면서도 난 모르는 척 맴도는데". I understand the sentence but am wondering if 맴도 here means "to linger" or "to hover around"...
Nikita's user avatar
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What does this 알라 mean as in "거기서 내가 울고 있는 줄 알라"

I was reading a poem in Korean but could never understand this sentence. 거기서 내가 울고 있는 줄 알라 I am confused about the verb in the end 알라. Judging from its form, I think it might be either the ...
FSY's user avatar
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The verb affix -오리-

I was listening to a podcast on Hasoseo-che and they stated this biblical verse as an example 내가 주의 율례를 지키오리니, 나를 아주 버리지 마옵소서 My translation: I will guard your laws so I implore you do not abandon me ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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What does 부르노니 mean?

So I started watching 백설 공주와 일곱 난쟁이 and the Evil Queen says to the magic mirror: 캄캄한 어둠과 바람 속에서 내 너를 부르노니 나와 대답하여라. I'm trying to figure out exactly what is happening with '부르노니'. I understand that ...
Fern's user avatar
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Destructuring Korean characters

what i'm trying to do is get some korean verb or adjective and turn it to it's dictionary form. So let's say that someone typed '추워요', which is the adjective for cold. It's dictionary form is '춥다'. Is ...
José Carlos's user avatar
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Is the irregular verb 몰라요 an exception?

I am wondering why the infinitive verb 모르다 (do not know) is conjugated as 몰라요 in informal style and standard politeness? 모르다 is an irregular verb because the base form 모르 ends with ㅡ so the vowel ㅡ is ...
Chookitypok's user avatar
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How the honorific verb 뵙다 becomes 봬요 in informal style & standard politeness?

I am struggling to understand the conjugation rule to conjugate 뵙다 in present tense, informal style & standard politeness. Here's what I would expect: 1) 뵙다 (to see) is the honorific verb of 보다. 2)...
Chookitypok's user avatar
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How is the honorific informal form of verbes created?

From what I understood, if I want to talk about my teacher with my friend I have to use the honorific informal form, but how do I create this form? Do I just remove 다 from the verb to then make it ...
Ema Tavox's user avatar
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되 conjugated: 돼, 되어 both acceptable?

For verbs ending in 되다: Can all such verbs conjugated as ~돼 for the infinitive form? And similarly can all such verbs also be conjugated as ~되어 for the infinitive form? Does it depend on the verb as ...
qeadz's user avatar
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Scared vs Scary

In English, the sentences "I am scared" and "I am scary" have almost opposite meanings. However, every translator I have seen translates them both the same way: "나는 무서워요"....
student1868's user avatar
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How do you say 'Are you laughing?' in Korean + Verb Question

I'm a few weeks into learning Korean and I learned how to write statemnts and questions via (습니 까 & 습니다). We take verbs, drop the -다 and apply the correct formula. However, my textbook also showed ...
Siren's user avatar
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What does ...지군 하다 mean? When is it used?

What is ...지군 하다 ending used for? For example, 이어지군 하는데 or 하였다. 자기 일터에 대한 많고많은 자랑을 하나둘 꼽아갈 때마다 종업원들의 이야기는 저도모르게 직장장에 대한 이야기로 이어지군 하였다.
Hayk Abelyan's user avatar
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Do I use the 해라체 for personal notes?

I know that the 해라체 is used in diaries, books, newspapers and so forth, but is it also used for casual personal notes to myself? Like "water the flowers" or statements like "password is ...
치큰0's user avatar
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How is 뵙다 conjugated to 뵐게요?

뵐게요 means (I)'ll see (you), but I am struggling to see how to arrive in this form. Applying the most general verb conjugation rule for 해요체 to 뵙다 (to humbly meet/see), I expect to get 뵙어요. But if we ...
d4nyll's user avatar
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Do you add still use 네/당신 when using the conjugation 어때?

I am just a bit confused when using 어때, I have read in some blogs online that some of them no longer uses "your" or 네/당신 when using 어때. Example: Do I use 형은 어때 or 네 형은 어때? when I'm asking about my ...
hangeulgeek's user avatar
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present tense of "deceive" in this sentence using "속았으며"

I'm taking this sentence and making it present tense, but the verb may be taking the passive form (피동사) here, so I'm unsure of the dictionary form since I don't know if it's passive. Please don't ...
제이 죤스톤's user avatar
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Conjugation of 이시다

Could you please tell me if this is correct? 이다 --> 이시다 Present tense 야 / 이야 --> 셔 / 이셔 예요 / 이에요 --> 세요 / 이세요 인다 --> 이시다 입니다 --> 이십니다 Past tense 였어 --> 였셔 였어요 --> 였세요 였다 --> ...
Rick's user avatar
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What is the difference between 네 and 네요 to express admiration?

I'm learning about the usage of 네 to the stem of the verb to express admiration, but I don't understand the difference between 네 and 네요. What is the difference between them? Is 네요 more formal much ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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What does 는 mean in 믿는다?

In the following sentence: 회사원이 연구를 믿는다. I don't understand what 는 means here. At least I understand that the verb is 믿다 and the meaning is "The employee believes the research.". But what does ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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How to say "something is broken (in the past)"?

In Korean, to say "something is broken", you use the past form of the verb 고장나다. 텔레비전이 고장났어요. But now I wonder how to say "something got broken", meaning the malfunction happened in the past. Is ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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춤추다 conjugated to 춤을 춥니다 rather than 춤춥니다

The uninflected verb "to dance" is 춤추다, yet Duolingo has informed me that if I wish t say that "subject dances" (with a deferential ending) then the sentence will be "subject 춤을 춥니다" Why is this ...
Luis Banegas Saybe's user avatar
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What do the different forms of 있다 mean?

있다 means: to be to lie to take place In the text book I only learnt 있어요 While watching K-dramas, I saw SOOOO many forms that I've no idea what they mean: 있어: Is this because the 요 is dropped? 있는, ...
alvas's user avatar
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Difference between 보고싶어 and 보고싶다

I know this question gets asked a lot but, I've yet to find an answer which really gives me an explanation. My understanding of korean grammar is a bit basic but here's what I know: 보고싶다 = Dictionary ...
sunasuna's user avatar
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How to understand the -하다고 suffix?

I found myself completely unable to explain the -하다고 suffix to someone. For example, 행복하다고 느낍니까? which means, "Do you feel that you're happy?" Actually, no, there's a nuance there. I think ...
Andrew Cheong's user avatar
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What's the usage of 야 between a verb and past perfect marker "했었던"?

There is a Korean song that i get addicted to it these day, so i said way not try to get what it says, so i started to analyse it, and i had to say Korean is truly a hard one. well here is where i ...
habibhassani's user avatar
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How do i conjugate 공부하다?

I am learning Korean and am practicing verb conjugation. I decided to write "I study a book". Following the conjugation for "하다" verbs, i wrote: 나는 책을 공부해. But when i checked a translation ...
Abby Underwood's user avatar
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Future tense quoted sentences

The two different websites I have visited have introduced different versions of quoting future tense sentences. Here's my example sentence using the two versions: 곧 도착할거라고 했습니다 = He said he'll be ...
Josh Everly's user avatar
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알다 (to know) and its Many Forms and Usages

I would like to get to the bottom of something that's been bugging me for years: How Koreans think about 알다 and its conjugation when responding to someone telling them something. Ex.) Manager: 이 ...
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