혹시 기분이라도 나쁜 건가 라는 생각이 절로 들 정도로 표정이나 어투가 딱딱한 것이다. 덕분에 혹시 저 누나는 로봇이 아닐까? 하고 어린 마음에 고민헸던 기억이 있다.
혹시 기분이라도 나쁜 건가 라는 생각이 절로 들 정도로 표정이나 어투가 딱딱한 것이다.
This is incredibly confusing. Can't even begin to understand what it's trying to say. I've read up on the grammar points and for some of them I thought I had a good handle on like (이)라는 and 이나, but the rest of the sentence is throwing me off. Especially 들, who is just sitting there and seemingly not serving any purpose, threw me for a loop. I'm guessing it's from the verb 듣다 since this is talking about the sound of her voice (I think) but that's as far as my understanding goes. It could be that the writer has omitted/contracted something that I'm completely unaware of.
덕분에 혹시 저 누나는 로봇이 아닐까?
"Because of that maybe she is not a robot?"
Maybe my understanding of 을까 is shallow but this seems like an almost obvious translation. Also not too sure about 덕분에, but there seems to be no possible way it could mean anything else than "Because of that"
하고 어린 마음에 고민헸던 기억이 있다.
"And in my child's heart there was an agonizing memory."
I'm not too sure about this one either. All examples of 하고 I have found on the Internet don't include it at the beginning of a sentence and since I only just learned about 던 "agonizing" might not fit best in this sentence either.