Fwiw these are some examples I made
사랑하는 사람 => the person I love
- 사랑하는 사람에게 편지를 보냈다. => I sent a mail to the person I love.
아끼는 장난감 => my favorite toy
- 아끼는 장난감을 잃어 버렸다. => I lost my favorite toy.
맛있는 요리 => food that tastes good => nice dish
- 맛있는 요리였다. => That was a nice dish.
있는 => existing/being
집에 있는 사람 => the person existing in the house => someone at home
- 집에 있는 사람이 나 대신 일을 해 줬으면 좋겠어. => I want someone at home to do the work for me.
사무실에 있는 서류 => documents existing in the office => documents in the office
- 사무실에 있는 서류 좀 가지고 올 게. -> I'll go get my documents in the office.
벽에 있는 벌레 => a bug existing in a wall => a bug in a wall
- 벽에 있는 벌레를 때려 잡았다. -> I slapped a bug on the wall.
있는 대로 집어던지다 => throw things as many as they exist => throw everything around
- 베개를 있는 대로 집어던졌다. => I threw all pillows around me.
- what 는 after verb means and how to use it? what exactly is 는 after verb and why is it useful?
는 after verb connects that verb to a noun following it.
E.g. 웃는 돼지 = A laughing pig
You use 는 after verb because without it, Korean verbs will almost always end the sentence.
E.g. 웃는다 돼지 = I laugh. A pig. (This does not connect the verb laugh and the noun pig.)
You can’t say like 웃는다 돼지
to express a laughing pig
because it’s grammatically wrong without 는 after verb.
That’s when you have to add 는 to a verb.
how 있는 works and how to use it properly? also what does it mean if it's not a verb, i don't understand at all?
있는 is only a combination of 는 after verb and the verb 있다.
있다 means there is/are
something exsists
있는 is often used to express that something is at somewhere.
하늘나라에 있는 강아지 = A puppy in heaven
지옥에 있는 고양이 = A cat in hell
(Just random examples)