How can I translate the sentence
"나는 네가 노력한 것을 닮아야만 한다"
into English?

I suppose it means something like "I have to live up to your expectations as you have invested a lot of time in me"

Is there a better translation into English that matches what the sentence says?

  • 2
    The original Korean sentence is blatantly wrong, so there cannot be a meaningful translation for that sentence. I also wonder where you saw that sentence. If you give me the context in which the sentence is used, then I can make a better guess and will let you know. Commented Oct 17, 2016 at 11:56
  • Yeah, it sounds very weird. No native Korean speaker would utter such a sentence. I suspect that someone did a poor translation from English.
    – jick
    Commented Oct 17, 2016 at 19:28
  • The sentence sounds completely natural to myself, a native speaker, given a certain context. Fortunately, both answers catch it.
    – Ignatius
    Commented Feb 28, 2019 at 12:23

2 Answers 2


I would be interested to know where this sentence came from.

If I was translating this sentence, I would probably write it as follows (several options):

Even as you have tried, so too must I try.

My efforts will be as your efforts have been.

All I can do is try as you have tried.

The VS + 아/어/여 야만 form in my mind implies a feeling of "all one can do," or "the only thing one can do."

  • Thank you for your answer. How can this sentence be broken down? What does 노력한것을 닮다 mean? That is, what does the presence of 을 imply here?
    – user17915
    Commented Jul 27, 2016 at 23:51
  • The object marker on 노력한것 is associated with the 야하다 part of the sentence. It indicates *what*(so an object) is imperative.
    – Vladhagen
    Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 1:54

This sentence is said when someone achieves a great success and the other person is giving compliment or credit for the effort which led to that person's success.

Here's a scenario.

Person A wasn't born with a singing talent. Person B was born with an amazing singing talent. Both Person A and Person B participated in a singing contest.

Person A practiced hard everyday because he knows he doesn't have much talent to win in that competition. Person B didn't practice much as he trusted his natural-born talent and was sure he would win in that competition.

In the end, Person A won the award for Best Singing Talent from the singing contest instead of Person B.

In this case, Person B says to Person A with admiration :

"I must follow the example of your (hard) effort"

나는 네가 노력한 것을 닮아야만 한다.

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