I am watching 사랑의 불시착 aka Crash Landing On You. About five minutes into the first episode, the main character's father is revealed by her brother to be released from jail, to which her brother says:
네가 무슨 명절이며 제삿날 코빼기를 비추든가 말든가 난 상관없지만 오늘은 좀 와 봐야 되지 않냐?
Subs: "I don’t care whether or not you visit us on the holidays or for the memorial ceremonies, but shouldn’t you come by today?"
I guess I am slightly confused by the use of 좀 coming off as if it is a request, but the grammar pattern typically describing what one must or should do. Is there much difference than if the second clause was a more standard "...봐 주냐"?
My own hypothesis is that phrasing it in the negative in this way gives it more of a retorical point: "but surely you should at least..." than as a request, but again the 좀 bothers me.