The title summerises my dilemma... What is the difference between -지/죠 and -(으)ㄴ가(요)?
I know 지/죠 but I've read that 은가 is more like I'm reflecting on something and asking for people's opinion implicitly. So I was like mmm but what's the difference then?
Now in my mind 지/죠 are like I'm sure about what I'm saying and I'm almost sure that the person I'm talking to agrees with my view On the other hand, I haven't understood 은가 yet but the feeling I have is that I'm more unsure about the thing I'm saying and I need reassure or I want to know the other person's opinion (because I don't know it).
Can you please explain me the usage and to which extent the feeling you get is different in terms of uncertainty of what you are saying and the intention to ask for confirmation
Edit: For example, I read this "그 사람 고향이 서울 아닌가요? (you doubt if you are wrong)". Here it seems that the speaker is asking for confirmation so I asked myself if I could also use -지/죠 in this sentence. In all the sentences I can think of with -지/죠, they are used when the speaker already knows the answer. And here started the dilemma I summarized in the last part.