I try to understand how will "I know that you know" and "I know what you know" be translated.

In both cases I would say 나는 네가 아는것을 안다, but as I am a newbie, I guess I am wrong.

How these kind of sentences will be distinguished?

  • 1
    Uh, hold on, north-korean? Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 4:12
  • The tag was placed because I considered the northern version being different from the nornal version. Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 6:43
  • Right, but, I mean, sorry, I didn't see the tag when I answered. My answer is based on the south one. Though it'd work in the north, too, I guess? Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 15:40
  • 1
    I think it will work for the north too, because the word 사실 is used in the DPRK too. There are 2 differences. 아는것 is written without space and maybe 아는가 would be used instead of 아는지. Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 16:00

2 Answers 2


I don't know how I should put this, so let me just give you possible constructions, both ambiguous ones and not.

I know

나는 안다.

I know.

  • Pronoun “나” ― I.
  • Marker “는” ― A subject marker.
  • Verb “알다” ― To know.
  • Ending conjugation “-ᆫ다” ― Describing the current status or fact.


나는 ……을/를 안다.

I know …….

  • Marker “을/를” ― An object marker.

(things) that you know

네가 무엇을 아는지

What you know

  • Pronoun “네” ― The variation of “너” before “가,” meaning “you.”
  • Marker “가” ― A subject marker.
  • Pronoun “무엇” ― What.
  • Conjugation “-는지” ― An indirect question marker: whether, if; who, what, where, how.

네가 아는 것 [ambiguous]

things that you know (“what you know”); the fact that you know. [ambiguous]

  • En-modifier conjugation “-는” ― A conjugation forming a modifier clause.
  • Dependent noun “것” ― A thing; a fact that.


네가 아는 사실 [ambiguous]

The fact which you know, the fact that you know [ambiguous]

  • Noun “사실” ― A fact.

네가 ……을/를 아는 것

The fact that you know ……


네가 ……을/를 아는 사실

The fact that you know ……

네가 안다는 것 (‘네가 안다’는 것)

The fact that “you know”

  • Conjugation “-ᆫ다는” ― “that,” implying quoting.


네가 안다는 사실 (‘네가 안다’는 사실)

The fact that “you know”

네가 ……을/를 안다는 것 (‘네가 ……을/를 안다’는 것)

The fact that “you know …….”


네가 ……을/를 안다는 사실 (‘네가 ……을/를 안다’는 사실)

The fact that “you know …….”

Full sentences

나는 네가 무엇을 아는지(를) 안다. [The most clear sentence]

I know what you know. [The most clear sentence]

나는 네가 아는 것을 안다. [ambiguous, but it often means “I know what you know.”]

I know what you know; I know that you know. [ambiguous, but it often means “I know what you know.”]


나는 네가 아는 사실을 안다. [ambiguous, but it often means “I know what you know.”]

I know what you know; I know that you know. [ambiguous, but it often means “I know what you know.”]

나는 네가 ……을/를 아는 것을 안다.

I know that you know …….


나는 네가 ……을/를 아는 사실을 안다.

I know that you know …….

나는 네가 안다는 것을 안다.

I know that “you know.”


나는 네가 안다는 사실을 안다.

I know that “you know.”

나는 네가 ……을/를 안다는 것을 안다.

I know that “you know …….”


나는 네가 ……을/를 안다는 사실을 안다. [The most clear sentence]

I know that “you know …….” [The most clear sentence]


You can be more specific with the object in which 'you know'

I know that you know -> 나는 네가 그것을 아는것을 안다.

The object here is that, so you'll need to add the phrase to 그것을.

I know what you know -> 나는 네가 무었을 아는것을 안다

You're specifically wanting to know what. What is 무엇. We are focusing the object to what in the previous statement.

Like in English you want to add direct objects to address what the verb is saying.

  • 1
    Wouldn't "I know what you know" be 나는 네가 무엇을 아는 안다? Commented Jan 10, 2019 at 21:27

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