I just wanted to check. I want to get 전사 tattooed down my calf. Would it mean the same thing if it looked like:
I'm going for the first character over the second.
Thank you for your time.
Excerpted from Wikipedia Hangul Block Shape, note the following rules.
All or most of these rules are broken by this fighter's example tattoo a @LifeOnTheMoon answer:
is the same height as the ㅈ
disregarding proper white spacing/padding)Oh no! But I want that tattoo - can you show me what it is supposed to look like?
I don't have calligraphy brushes, but i've photoshopped together the horizontal and vertical versions in a form of 흘림체:
and it belongs to 전
, but in the picture the ㄴ
is for lack of any better explanation, "wrong". A final consonant, if present, is always written at the bottom, under the vowel. This is called 받침 batchim "supporting floor". The other characters in the two morpho-syllabic blocks are sloppy and formed as if by one whose hangul is pre-formative.