Many Korean words were incorporated from Japanese words. However, I wonder if the opposite is true.
How many Korean words were incorporated into Japanese? Is there any such research, maybe including a list of Korean words imported into Japanese?
Many Korean words were incorporated from Japanese words. However, I wonder if the opposite is true.
How many Korean words were incorporated into Japanese? Is there any such research, maybe including a list of Korean words imported into Japanese?
Found good source. I am just reorganizing with some comments. Original link : written in 2007
2. ビビンバ(ピビンバ라고도 씀): 비빔밥 Bibimbob - food
4. チョンガー:총각 Man who havent married yet
5. チゲ : 찌개 Soup
6. プルコギ : 불고기 Bulgogi
7. コチュジャン : 고추장 [Go-choo-jang] It's spicy sauce
8. ユッケ : 육회 raw beef dish. It's like sashimi instead of fish
9. カルビ : 갈비 Galbi
12. クッパ >국밥 This is name of food. Soup + rice
13. ナムル > 나물 Vegetable Bean sprouts
14. サンチュ > 상추 Lettus
15. ハングル > 한글 Korean language
18. ノッポ(のっぽ)> 키가 큰 사람, 키다리 Guy with long leg
19. パッチ > 바지>일본에서는 남자들이 착용하는 내복 바지와 같은 것을 말합니다. underwear pants. Its like another layer before pants
24. オモニ > 어머니 Mom
25. アジュンマ > 아줌마 Korean lady (married)
26. サムキョプサル > 삼겹살 Korean BBQ Pork
27. チョギヨ・ヨギヨ > 저기요/여기요 Excuse me
28. アンニョンハセヨ > 안녕하세요 Annyonghasayo!
29. マシソヨ > 맛있어요 마시써요 라고 발음. Its delicious
30. カムサハムニダ > 감사합니다 일본식발음으론 캄사하므니다.ㅋ Thanks
32. オイキムチ > 오이김치 Kimchi 오이소박이를 오이키무치 라고. 일본 오이김치에는 부추대신에 무가 들어가있죠^^
34. トックポーキ > 떡볶이 토크포-키 라고 발음해요. Dduk-bok-ki
35. サランヘヨ > 사랑해요 I love you
37. ケンチャナヨ > 괜챦아요 켄챠나요 라고 발음. Its okay
38. チャミスル > 참이슬 Charm-i-sul - Soju brand 챠미스르 라고 발음. 참이슬 좋아하는 분들 많아요. 심지어는 처음처럼 까정...
39. キンパプ > 김밥 킴파프 혹은 킴파브 라고 발음 Kim-bob - kimbob name of food
40. サムゲタン > 삼계탕 사무게탕 이라고 발음. 한국가면 삼계탕코스는 필수~ chicken soup
I just add comments under original source also while I am reading there some words doesn't make sense or not being used are removed.
Yes. National Institute of Korean Language ( published the book terms from Japanese in 2005. You can download *.hwp file in above link.