I understand relative clauses in Korean in general, but I struggle when there are multiple descriptors for one noun. I don't know if the descriptors should be joined with a conjunction to make one big relative clause or listed serially as two relative clauses. For example, I wrote the following sentence:
이 책은 유니라고 하는 한국 어린이가 탄자니아에 살고 미리암이라고 하는 언니랑 편지를 쓰는 이야기예요.
Where I was trying to say:
This book is a story about a Korean kid named Yuni writing letters with her friend [lit: older sister] who lives in Tanzania and is named Miriam.
I was told it should be correctly written as:
이 책은 유니라고 하는 한국 어린이가 탄자니아에 사는 미리암이라고 하는 언니랑 편지를 쓰는 이야기예요.
Note the 살고 was changed to 사는 creating serial relative clauses. This would change the transition to:
This book is a story about a Korean kid named Yuni writing letters with her friend [lit: older sister] who lives in Tanzania named Miriam.
Removing the "and is" does arguably improve the sentence even in English, so I have somewhat answered my own question, but I'm wondering if there are rules or patterns to follow for this in Korean. Specific questions:
- In the corrected sentence does 탄자니아에 사는 modify 미리암 or 언니? I'm assuming 언니, which is why I said they were serial, but I guess it could also be interpreted as modifying 미리암 creating nested relative clauses.
- Are there rules when to join with a conjunction vs serial clauses? I'm assuming conjunctions would be used when the descriptions are one related unit, but want to confirm.
- Does the order of multiple relative clauses matter?