눈꽃치즈 is typically translated into English as "snow cheese" on Korean menus (and sometimes "Hangulized" as 스노치즈). In most food pictures it just appears to be a very finely shredded, light-colored cheese. My best guess is that it's mozzarella, parmesan, or a whitish variety of cheddar, but it's hard to tell just by looking at it. This leaves me wondering if 눈꽃치즈 is even a particular kind of cheese at all, or if it's a catch-all expression for very finely shredded/powdered cheese sprinkled over a dish.

So, my question: Is 눈꽃치즈 a particular kind of cheese, and if so, what kind of cheese is it?

  • Googling for '눈꽃치' brings up 'Did you mean 눈꽃치?'. Or maybe it could be either? Commented Oct 26, 2016 at 8:22
  • Ahh! You are absolutely right! I'll edit the spelling.
    – pyobum
    Commented Oct 26, 2016 at 8:39

1 Answer 1


It is a proper noun, a brand name of a specific fried chicken restaurant franchise. By the way, I think it can't be called as a kind of cheese, because it is just a cheese-flavored seasoning powder. It is a combination of a little bit of cheese(usually, Grana Padano cheese), corn starch, fat, and some seasonings that synthesized artificially.

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