In France, contrepeteries are a classic class of word plays, where two sounds in a sentence are inverted to produce a new sentence with a different, funny, often saucy meaning. The spelling is ignored, only the sonority matters.
Wikipedia translates by spoonerism, though spoonerism has a connotation of errors that the French contrepèterie does not have.
Here are a few examples of spoonerisms in English and French (spoilers so that you can play to find them):
- (From Wikipedia) In Disney's Snow-White, Doc is prone to spoonerisms, e.g. "Search every crook and nanny" instead of "Search every nook and cranny".
- "Daffy Duck" (warning: saucy meaning)
Daddy Fuck
- In French, "Un gain de place"
Un pain de glace
- French and saucy: "Quel beau metier, professeur"
Quel beau fessier prometteur
- And I cannot resist to "On adule en Coree" [We worship in Korea]
Sorry, decency prevents me to write the solution ;)
This kind of word plays is very common in France. Many writers like to hide some of them in their work, and some newspapers are famous to use contrepeteries for titles of their articles.
Korean is a language whose pronunciation is very regular, so it seems that contrepeteries should be easy to construct. They were invented in France at a time where hierarchy between social classes, etiquette and good manners were strictly enforced and saucy language frowned upon, characteristics that are also present in Korean cultures.
I have been looking for that for a long time now: Are there contrepeteries in Korean?
And, since I guess the answer is yes,
are they popular word plays in Korea? What are some famous examples?