I get that 잘못 is a wrong or perhaps wrong doing/sin/fault/misbehavior/error (whatever) and that is a subject particle.

But how does alter that noun?

I know the story of 혹부리 할아버지, and so, I know that a literal is a lump (on the body perhaps). Of course, 혹 sometimes also might refer to a cancerous lump. But I'm stumped as to if in this adjective use makes the wrong less or more drastic or modifies it in some other nuance that I wouldn't expect.

Are there other uses where might alter a meaning or be heard colloquially?

For any who might want an example of where I found this usage here is the sentence

혹 잘못이 있어도 용서하여 그 사람을 하나님께로 이끌어 변화의 길로 갈 수 있습니다

What is the difference/nuance between 잘못이 and 혹 잘못이?

2 Answers 2


"혹 잘못이 있어도"는 아래 문장들과 의미가 같습니다:

  • 혹시 잘못이 있어도
  • 혹시나 잘못이 있어도
  • 혹여 잘못이 있어도
  • 혹여나 잘못이 있어도
  • ...

일상 생활에서는 보통 '혹'이라고 혼자 쓰이기 보다는, '혹시', '혹여나' 등으로 더욱 자주 쓰입니다.


  1. a wen, a lump, a bump, a swelling, a protuberance

  2. a hump

  3. maybe, if (=혹시 = ~이/가 ~도 = ~이/가 ~다 해도)

*혹 잘못이 있어도 .. = 혹시 잘못이 있어도 .. = 잘못 있어 .. = 잘못 해도 ..

They have the same meaning.

  1. sometimes (=간혹, 이따금)

Here are more examples.


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